Photography and Worship
26 June 2018
Calling all budding photographers!
These days, almost everyone has access to a camera - whether via a Smartphone, a digital “point and shoot”, or a more serious DSLR. Just by taking a shot of something ordinary and everyday, or occasionally taking that extra-special picture you can capture a moment that causes you to give worship and thanks to God. At our “Taste and See” Service in All Saints' on 26 August we have some special things lined up including a time to share some of your images that have helped you worship God. So now’s the time to get out there and get busy with that camera of yours! I’d like to collect any photos (whether in print or digital) by no later than 5 August and put them together as a display. You can send them to me via the church office or direct by email (jeremy@sanderstead-Parish .org). It would be great if you could add a caption or a sentence telling us what was meaningful about the picture. If you need a bit of help capturing an image, Marc Smith and Corrie Hibberd have agreed to help with this service and one of us may be able to help you get it just right. You don’t need to produce a perfect composition - this isn’t a competition! It’s just about being able to convey something in a creative way that helps us worship. So please, send as many as you can - and get shooting while the weather is good! Jeremy
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