All Saints and St Antony

All Saints

First Sunday

9.30 am Traditional Parish Eucharist with healing prayer

Second Sunday

9.30 am Parish Eucharist

Third Sunday

9.30 am Traditional Parish Eucharist

Fourth Sunday

8 am Said Communion

9.30 am Family Worship

Fifth Sunday

9.30 am A chance for creative worship

See Events list for information

Prayer Meeting

Last Saturday at 9 am

Midweek Communion

12.30 pm on the third Thursday of the month

Communion at Langley Oaks Care Home

4 pm on third Tuesday of the month

See Events list for additional services

St Antony

Every Sunday

3 pm Cafe Church

2nd Monday

2 pm T4U

4th Monday

2 pm T4U

See Events list for dates of special events

Marriage Services

wedding services


If you are wishing to enquire about getting married in All Saints, you can contact the Parish Office, who will tell you how to go about making the arrangements.

Simply put, if you live in the parish of Sanderstead, if you are a regular worshipper at All Saints Sanderstead (or would be willing to become one), or if you or a close family member have a strong historic connection with the area or one of its churches, it is possible for you to get married here.

The clergy can also help you with further advice, including the remarriage of divorcees. Please feel free to get in touch directly if you would like to.

Getting married elsewhere?

If you live in the Parish of Sanderstead but are planning to get married in another Church of England church not in Sanderstead, you will probably need to have your Banns of Marriage called here. To do this please contact the Parish Office. Again, you will need to bring proof of address and payment of the legal fee for this service.

More Information

A new booklet on getting married in the Parish of Sanderstead is being prepared and will be available here as soon as it is ready. In the meantime the 2018 booklet can be downloaded here Please follow this link for details of the 2025 fees for getting married in All Saints.

You will find lots of helpful information about every aspect of a wedding on the Church of England’s website, Your Church Wedding

Baptism Services

baptism services

What is Baptism?

If you are interested in having your child baptised at All Saints’ Church, we would love to explore that with you. The baptism of a child is a very significant social event for many families. It's also an important occasion for the church.

Baptism (some people use the term 'Christening' - it's the same thing) is a public declaration of commitment to following Christ and being part of his church. Baptism is a way of welcoming someone into the church, and marking the beginning of their journey of faith.

Baptisms take place during our Sunday morning services, so that the congregation can welcome and promise to support the child in their journey of faith.

What next?

Contact the Parish Office, to let our Administrator know of your interest: parish.office@sanderstead-parish.org.uk or 020 8657 0665

Come along to a Service on two Sundays – to make sure you are happy about us! After that, contact the minister to arrange for a visit to your home so we can talk things through in more detail, and agree a date.

We look forward to marking this special event with you!

Find out more about Church of England Christenings at https://churchofenglandchristenings.org/

Funeral Services

funeral services

Ministry at the time of death and funerals

The clergy are very happy to officiate at the funeral of a family member or loved one, either at a Crematorium or in one of our Churches, please email the Parish Office directly or ask your funeral director to do so. We will take the time to talk it all through with you, and can help with choosing music and arranging the service order.

Space is limited for full burials in the Lower Churchyard of All Saints Church, and only for residents of the parish and worshippers at any of our churches. Please contact the Parish Office for more information about this or ask your funeral director to do so.

However, there is plenty of space in All Saints’ Churchyard for the burial of cremated remains. Contact the Parish Office or ask your funeral director to do so.

Please follow this link for the current fees for funerals at All Saints.

For detailed churchyard regulations visit our Churchyard page

See https://churchofenglandfunerals.org/ for more information.

Understanding our Services

Holy Communion / Eucharist

A service, also known as The Lord’s Supper, or the “Breaking of Bread” which re-enacts and commemorates the meal which Jesus shared with his disciples on the night he was betrayed. The word “eucharist” literally means “thanksgiving”. The Apostle Paul wrote (in 1 Corinthians 11:23-24): “I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, "This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me”. During this simple meal, bread and wine are blessed and shared in remembrance of Jesus Christ. Prayers are said, confession is made and absolution given, the Bible is read and a sermon is also given. Hymns may be sung (sung, or choral, eucharist), or the entire service may be spoken (a said eucharist).

Parish Eucharist

At All Saints’ this is the main service on the first and third Sunday of each month, in which parishioners are invited to gather for the eucharist.

Festival Eucharist

A eucharist for special days in the church calendar.

Morning Worship / Morning Prayer

A service of prayers said at the beginning of the day. Starting the day with prayer was always important to the early Christians and their prayers often invoked the presence of the Trinity - Father, Son and Spirit - to be with them through their often hard toil on the land.

Parish Praise

This is a more informal service held at All Saints in the main church on the second Sunday each month. It consists of songs, hymns, readings and other activities, but does not include Holy Communion.

Evening Prayer / Evensong

Evening Prayer is a service of prayers, songs and readings celebrated in the late afternoon or evening. It is also commonly known as Evensong, especially when the service is sung.


A service of evening prayers traditionally said (or chanted) before retiring for the night.

Family Worship

An informal service for people of all ages, held on the fourth Sunday each month at All Saints. It consists of a wide variety of contemporary Christian Songs, visuals and activities.

Celtic Worship

Celtic worship is modelled on observances and forms of worship used by believers in ancient Celtic times. It places emphasis on mystical awe of the Divine, and an awareness of the sacred in all places and at all times. God is present with creation, and those who worship seek after good, rather than evil, in all things. Celtic worship is characterised by simplicity, and a blend of traditional music, poetry and meditation.

Messy Church

Messy Church is a monthly activity based service, usually on a Sunday afternoon, for all children up to the age of 12 years, and their parents​, grandparents​ and carers. We start at 3pm in All Saints' church or church halls with ​lots of ​time for activities and crafts based around ​the Bible, ​which the children do with their parents and carers, ​followed by plenty of ​lively ​singing​ and a story. We end our time together​ with a tasty snack and refreshments for all. Children take home everything they have made.

We look forward to welcoming you​ to Messy Church. If you have any questions, please email ​children@sanderstead-parish.org.uk

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